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This purchase does NOT include KingRenko$ bar, which was used in our demo screenshots below. If you want to buy both SuperTrend RK & KingRenko$, please contact us for a special discount.
To those who purchased SuperTrend Pro, T-Stop, Solar Wind, Solar Wind RK: SuperTrend RK is a special version that mixes the characteristics of the indicators mentioned above, in an effort to optimize for ninZaRenko & KingRenko$. If you are still interested in purchasing SuperTrend RK, you will be entitled to a 50% discount. Please contact us for checkout instructions.
SuperTrend RK is a renko-optimized version of the SuperTrend Pro indicator.
In this variant, we eliminate the moving average options and only focus on the Close price in the calculation of the reference price. ninZaATR is also replaced by Tick as the unit of offset. Hence, the trend plot of SuperTrend RK perfectly match with the stair-step movements of ninZaRenko or KingRenko$ bars. This is an important adaptation of SuperTrend to special characteristics of renko bars, which improves its performance on ninZaRenko and KingRenko$.
Dedicated NinjaScript signals:
- Signal_Trend: 1 = uptrend, -1 = downtrend
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Software Changelog
- 12 Dec 2022 – The indicator was released (built new).