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Noble Cloud is a noble 3-in-1 indicator, which offers you insights into the 3 most important trading factors: trend, zone, and signal.
- Trend: Noble Cloud helps you have better & easier reading of market trends through the baseline plot and uptrend/downtrend clouds.
- Zone: Noble Cloud helps you recognize the action zone to place a trade, and avoid wasted time and energy because of having to keep an eye on the screen all day long. Now you just need to pay attention to the market when the clouds begin to form.
- Signal: Noble Cloud gives you direct and reliable Buy/Sell signals to place a trade right away.
Wonderfully, you can define the quality & quantity of signals with the advanced filter: Bar Min and Bar Max.
Noble Cloud includes a baseline plot and clouds. The baseline plot is a moving average line colorized in 2 user-defined colors. The color will change corresponding to the movement of the baseline plot: moving up or down. With our proprietary algorithm, the clouds are shaped along the baseline plot and colorized based on the 2 states of the market: bullish and bearish. You might be wondering: why do we call them “Noble Cloud”? Because thanks to these clouds, you can get rid of sitting in front of the computer monitor for long hours, continuously observing the market. You only need to pay attention to the market when the clouds begin to form. The thicker the clouds and the steeper the baseline plot, the clearer and stronger the trend.
Moreover, the signals created by the indicator are not just any signals, they are strong pullbacks indicating an explosive move coming up. Especially, the signals are extremely reliable when they appear at the very first stage of cloud formation.
To sum it up, Noble Cloud is a priceless indicator that helps you to efficiently identify the market trend and entry signals, and to feel “good comfort” and less stress in trading.
Dedicated NinjaScript signals:
- Signal_Cloud: 1 = bullish, -1 = bearish, 0 = no cloud
- Signal_Trade: 1 = bullish, -1 = bearish, 0 = no signal
King Kong Trading RK: A trend-following system designed to capture strong pullback trades.
See how it helps 👉
- 03 Mar 2023 – The “Bar Min” and “Bar Max” filters were made to apply to the clouds instead of the Baseline plot.
- 01 Mar 2023 – The indicator was released (built new).